I looooove the standards. There's something about big band music and guys in suits and tuxedos that make me swoon in sheer delight. Or maybe, it's just the 65-year old guy lurking in me. On a karaoke night, give me the microphone and I'm sure as hell I'll be looking for "Sinatra, Frank" in the songbook. (Though I'll definitely skip "My Way". Here in the Philippines, people get murdered singing that song. Seriously.)Or Buble, Michael. Or Connick, Harry. (Connick=Hot)
So imagine my excitement when I learned that this week's American Idol theme is Rat Pack. Well, maybe the others weren't as excited as I was, but I thought, wouldn't Kris Allen look adorable in a suit? Then again, Kris looks adorable in anything, so that's a foregone conclusion. I also knew that Matt Giraud would slay this one, and, much as I hate Danny Gokey, I believe the theme suits The Bestpectacled One well.
Then, there's Adam Lambert.
Can you imagine Freddie Mercury singing Sinatra? Neither can I.
But fortunately, Glambert, with his signature tongue-sticking and howling-til-you're-deaf somehow worked. Our gurlfriend brilliantly sang "Feeling Good," combining the versions of Buble and Pussycat Dolls (you know PCD covered this, didn'tcha?). Well, not as brilliant as his take on "Mad World" and "Tracks of my Tears," but still good enough.
And I was right about Gokey, who, this time, deserved the accolades from the judging panel. His personal spin on "Come Rain or Come Shine" proved that he can be inventive, though for me, he's still overrated. Kris Allen performance was charming, but safe. Allison Iraheta did pretty well, but The Last Girl Standing didn't get that much love from Simon.
I'm quite certain that Matt Giraud will get the boot this time. The judges cant' save him now.
PS. I have a feeling that his blog will turn into another American Idol fanblog. I'm a sucker for this show. It can't be helped.
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