"A total bore. I was yawning until the credits rolled."
"Dumbledore's death scene didn't move me."
"A lot of details in the book were left out in the film."
"Where's Dumbledore's funeral scene?"
"Where's the bathroom? I gotta pee."
Such were the comments I heard as I leave the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince screening. Like Deatheaters ready to pounce on our dear Harry, these fantards were dismayed at how director David Yates interpreted the sixth installment. And fortunately, I'm not one of them.
These amateur critics like to contradict themselves. They dismissed this film as boring, yet they would like every detail in the book to be included. What they don't realize is that it would further prolong the film twice its 2.5-hour running time. And what do you call a film that's running for over five hours?
I'm a hardcore fan, but I'm not a fantard. That's exactly the reason why I'm satisfied with how Yates and writer Steve Kloves helmed the film. The filmmakers provided enough emotional build-up leading to the last installment, the Deathly Hallows. The Half-Blood Prince may be devoid of action, but with enough depth and soul that is the essence of Harry Potter. The film wants us to go beyond the Quidditch tournaments and the fight scenes; it wants us to feel every pathos of our protagonist as he prepares for the big battle against He-WHo-Must-Not-Be-Named. The hormonal crew of Harry, Hermione and Ron have all grown up, and we, the fans, must follow suit.
I was also impressed at how Daniel Radcliffe and the gang have evolved through the years. Radcliffe showed an impressive acting range, probably a product of his theater, uhm, "exposure". Emma Watson delivered a nuanced performance, while Rupert Grint is as funny as hell.
But nothing is funnier than this conversation I overheard during the screening:
Coño GIRL: I sooo hate this film. I think it's so panget. It's a bit bitin, kase they left out a lot of stuff in the book. Ew.
Coño BOY: Wait, 'di ba you were not able to finish the book?
Coño GIRL: Uhm, yeah. It's not my fault I'm super busy.
Like, duh?